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Battery Terminals

Battery Terminals

Part #:

I started to run out of room on the small posts that came with the stock Jeep battery Terminals. I picked up a set of polarized battery terminals while I was in the hardware store to see if I could change them out with ease. Well at least that was the theory.

Additional Parts:
Attwood polarized battery terminals

Tools Needed:
10mm Combo Wrench
12mm Combo wrench
13mm Combo wrench
3/8" Drill bit or unibit (preferred)
Vice grips
Safety glasses


The stock posts were getting a little crowded already and I hadn't even connected the winch cables up or thought about the remote jumper cable connector setup I was working on.
Here's what I picked up.
Remove the cables connected to the positive and negative battery terminals with a 12mm and 10mm combo wrench. Then remove the terminals from the battery post with a 10mm combo wrench.
I had some anti-corrosion washers sitting in the drawer so I went ahead and put them on.
The negative terminal was a easy swap, the post was the same size as the OEM post. You can see the size difference between the two.
The positive post was much larger. In fact the OEM negative post is larger than the OEM positive post.
I needed to drill out the OEM wiring harness to 3/8". You will have to drill with the wires in place, so using a unibit and a slow speed drill while holding the cable in in a pair of vice grips is what needs to be done. Having a buddy help you is even better. You need to be steady and careful. I do not normally advocate doing it this way.
The only wire I ran into that I needed to change was my power wire for sPOD. It was originally designed for the standard OEM post. I just snipped it and installed a 3/8" end.
Reconnect your negative and positive cables. The new wing nuts make adding and removeing wires much easier.



  N-m Ft. Lbs. In. Lbs.

This page last updated: 10-Jun-2008

Content and Design © 2002-present WanderingTrail,  Ronald Seegert
Common Sense and Safety should always be observed when working on your vehicle or doing modifications. Jackstands, wheel blocks, disconnecting the battery are a few of the basic safety precautions that should be used and may not be mentioned in the write ups on this site. You are responsible for your own installation, these write ups are a helpful guideline and should not be taken as an official installation instruction. My write up may be different from the kits currently out there, so alwasy double check the manufacturers installation instructions when installing anything. I try to keep the site up to date with changes that have occured as I discover them, but may not have the latest unless someone lets me know. If you feel that an install is above your capabilities after reading my write ups, I recommend getting together with a club and getting some help. Only a few times have I needed to employe some actual help from a shop to get something done. Usually welding or A/C work. While I have spent many years working on mechanical systems, I am not an expert, nor do I pretend to be one. I hope these write ups have been useful to you.
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